Saturday, 28 June 2014

Final Stop

After four days of action packed visits we stop and say our thanks to everyone including Terry, our great bus driver who has helped make it a trip to remember.

London 2014 has been a memorable trip experiencing the hustle and bustle of cosmopolitan life in our capital city.

A fantastic view

In the que

A chance to ask questions

On the boat

While on the trip we see some great sights , including our next destination, the London Eye.

Our boat arrives

Friday, last day.

After packing we all travel to the Tower to catch the boat for our trip on the Thames.

As we que up we see the boat that picks up the rubbish instead of using rubbish trucks, it's a good job we're not travelling on that.

Last night

Blockley Has Talent

Just have to say, Blockley really does have talent.

EVERYONE performed, with comedy, songs, poetry and magic for the delight of the audience.

A fantastic effort from everyone.